
Flash via AN945: EFM8 Factory Bootloader HID.

usage: efm8 [-h] [-p PRODUCT] [-s SERIAL] firmware

Intel Hex format file to flash

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-p <product>, --product <product>

USB Product ID of device to program

-s <serial>, --serial <serial>

Serial number of device to program

Flash via AN945: EFM8 Factory Bootloader HID.

exception efm8.BadChecksum

Checksum mismatch.

exception efm8.BadResponse

Command not confirmed.

exception efm8.Unsupported

Input file not understood.


CITT-16, XModem.

efm8.create_frame(cmd, data)

Bootloader frames start with ‘$’, 1 byte length, 1 byte command, x bytes data.

efm8.flash(manufacturer, product, serial, frames)

Send bootloader frames over HID, and check confirmations.

efm8.read_flash(manufacturer, product, serial, length)

Exploit CRC to read back firmware.


Read simple Intel format Hex files into byte array.

efm8.to_frames(data, checksum=True, run=True)

Convert firmware byte array into sequence of bootloader frames.


Split a 16bit address into two bytes (dosn’t check it is a 16bit address ;-).

efm8.twos_complement(input_value, num_bits=8)

Calculate unsigned int which binary matches the two’s complement of the input.

efm8.write_hex(buf, filename)

Write an Intel Format Hex file.